Thursday, November 18, 2010

Yes! God! Yes! Trump for Prez!

Oh sweet Lord, I almost couldn't contain my excitement when I read this: Donald Trump might run for President of the United States in 2012 as a Republican!
"Would I rather be in the race or not be in the race? I can tell you, I love what I'm doing. I'm having a great time what I'm doing.  I'd rather not be in the race,” he said. “But it could be fun because I'd like to see some positive things happen for the country… I'm going to make a decision probably by June.”
What could be better than having The Donald versus The Sarahcuda in the primary, only for the winner to duke it out with The One in the election! It'll be a more awesome election season than 2008 - and it'll be a year-and-half long affair too, seeing as Palin has already as good as committed to running in 2012 and Trump will make his final decision in June 2011.

So what would Trump bring to the election? Well, for starters, he's a billionaire, so he can outspend all his opponents (unless Mike Bloomberg runs as well) in this election by a country mile. So that's 1-0 to The Donald! Second, he can say 'you're fired' every time he wins a primary or a debate, something nobody does with the same flair and panache. 2-0! Third, while most politicians are known for their somewhat lacklustre hairstyles, Trump tops 'em all with his unflappable helmet of hair (or is it a toupet? No wait, I didn't write that, don't sue me). And that's 3-0! Next, if elected, he could do a television show to select his cabinet, or why wait, maybe he could do a televised Vice-President competition. 4-0 ... this is starting to look like a cake-walk! Fifth, he'll rename the White House, The Trump House and clad it in gold, because one can never put too much gold on a building! Five - Nothing! Sixth, Trump'll be the first President to have stood in the WWE Wrestlemania ring! 6-0! Finally, he, unlike any other potential candidate, is truly a self-made man. You see, Trump almost went bankrupt in 1992 and worked himself back to the top again! That's 7-0 before the election has even started and I'm invoking the mercy rule! Game Over! Trump Wins!

The only way The Donald could still lose is if either Chuck Norris or Barney Stinson - or both, or is that too much to ask? - decides to throw his hat in the ring! Here's to hoping!

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